Thursday, January 1, 2015

Learning to be a Let It Go girl...


Here it is, 2015 already and time again for us all to see the year as a blank slate and go out there and make it a great year... make some goals and be determined to stick to them and see it through... push yourself out of the box and reinvent yourself.  You know... the sort of things that start off well and last maybe 6 to 8 months if you're lucky?

That's sort of what has happened for me the last few years and I think that, as I am now 24 days into my 40's, (shudder... somehow that seems a tad bit terrifying as I don't feel 40 and I don't think I act 40 and well.. somehow I thought that I'd never be 40? Not in some strange, I saw that I died young or had some death wish sort of thing, just that if I look at things now and look back 15 years or so, I just never thought that I'd be HERE... "here" ... this particular life so to speak at 40.)

Which most likely means that I am supposed to be changing things and doing something different.  Something.  Anything... I guess I'll figure it out.


This year, I have decided that I need theme songs... just a couple songs at least to start off the year to remind me of what sort of things I'd like to keep in mind, do, become, strive to be... etc etc etc.  These theme songs may be discussed at length a time or two in this blog. I had been trying to think of and find a devotional book to follow this year and I'm not ruling that out. There are a few books on my kindle that could certainly fit that void. But to start with, I think that ... if I can truly remember all the things that popped in my mind to do with this blog while I was driving... this could really work out.

First theme song is: What do I know of Holy by Addison Road. ... blogger isn't liking me to add things so just go to youtube and look it up. I think there's a lyric video :) This song for the last few years has already been a place where I go when nothing makes sense. When I need the reminder that I am somewhat just a small piece of the bigger picture and I may not know much at all. :) Deep discussions will follow eventually. lol

Second theme song, goes with the title of this post and is an anticipated year long project for me... is... Let it Go. Yes, I know, I may never be an ice queen like Elsa ... but I'd be happy to be as optimistic and good natured as Olaf. Again - Youtube... look up Let it Go by Pentatonix. This version is amazing and is the one I was listening to when I got my ideas.

Future posts again... because this post is getting super long. :)  But the idea is, the past is in the past... it's hard to live up to expectations and sometimes, you just gotta let things go.  I have a hard time letting go. Not just things about other people but about myself, I can easily beat myself up for ages about things and that's just not good. So, I was thinking that the combination of my theme songs, as I work through them and go through the year, should make me a pretty good person who can find it easy to be reminded of God's goodness and holiness and that I can and should 'let it go'... if it's something I have a hard time letting go of, then absolutely, that's a reason to give it to God instead. 

2015 Resolutions:

1. Blogging.  One weekly deep thought, inspirational blog post, today's Thursdays so Thursday it is. I'm going to try to find something to blog about daily but my guarantee is Thursdays here. I do have 2 more blogs so maybe there will be run by blogging on those the rest of the time if I can.

2. Organization. Treena's visit last month started me on a good organizational path but I've been realizing that ... as I've always known... I'm a pack rat and that doesn't totally fit with the 'Let It Go' philosophy so... *wrinkles nose and bites lip*  I'm gonna try to let more stuff go this year. Wardrobe: if I don't wear it in 6 months and it is seasonally appropriate to have worn it... buh bye... Other stuff... will need to take a deep sigh and truly evaluate if I need it... can't live without it... or if it should go somewhere else. (working my way through my wardrobe should mean I'm not buying a lot of new things this year....)

3. Financial Planning.  Savings plan 1001, 2015 version: $100 a month saved. $50 into each savings account. I think part of my struggle in the savings ideas over the past 2 years is that I was trying to save everything all in one account. we're talking $25 a paycheck on each account. There's already a $25 automatic transfer on each one so I only need to transfer the other ones. And then I'm not touching them.  Vacation $$ will be budgeted for and taken out of debit account unless there is a reason to do credit card.  Credit cards: closing an account this month which will remove a payment. :)

4. Health:  I am going to be trying to lose weight. I'd like to lose 4 to 5 pounds a month. Part of the attempt to do this will be walking 3 to 5 times a week for 30 to 45 minutes each time. Also- soda is limited to 1 a day... no carry overs and no doubling up if I didn't have one the day before.

And... finally...

5. Taking and making the time for the stuff that matters.  :) 'nuff said.

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