Saturday, May 30, 2015


Everything seems to be working against me this week.

fridge died on Monday and it took until thursday for my food to be in the same apartment with me.

Oh, also outlet burned out an a wire was broken so yeah, good thing I didn't burn up even...

Now, my computer has been acting up since Thursday and seems to be determined to only let me do one thing every 20 minutes online.

cross your fingers this saves and then posts.  *sigh*

Two weeks until Vacation... darn it, i have to pack!!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

fun weekend!!

Spent the last two days with my brother, sister in law and niece.

We had a great time playing tourist and of course having a repeat of girls weekend as Monica stayed with me.

Which meant that we 'snuck' out on Friday night after they got here and went to see Pitch Perfect 2. I love the fact that we can bond over our love of acapella music and groups and things like that ... it was a great call to go watch the movie.  She never would have made it last night. LOL

Lots of fun yesterday - space needle, argosy tour and went through the glass gardens at Seattle center - AMAZING.  glass artistry is amazing and wow... this has to be seen.

been nibbling on the fudge we got... yum!!

today, breakfast first before going back up in the space needle and a little time spent at EMP before lunch - BBQ and mac n cheese, super yummy!

We found a cannoli place by where we parked - omg, I'm seriously going to be in trouble. I thought the one I ate was good, it was the traditional with chocolate. still have 5 more to eat but oh yeah, I'm going to find myself making time to swing up there and get cannoli when I'm in town to get my mani pedi!  LOL

didn't take too long to get home.

Just gotta take care of the rest of my strawberries!  :)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

yeah... i'm totally lack of true deep content girl.

Here I am again - late but posting...

just a quick recap...

Pitch Perfect 2 - hilarious.

Baseball last night, not so great but good to be at a baseball game with a friend.

GOTTA Clean... company comes on Friday.

Gotta Budget... vacation is in 26 days.

ack!!  I fully embrace my procrastination but I hate that I've been giving myself stress about it.

oh yeah, Gotta Walk, gotta diet... I'm not at all pleased with progress this year. it's so NOT a good weight loss year so far.

gotta fix a few things.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Another week...

another blog...

I have to re-evaluate this... I feel like I'm seriously lacking in content lately.

then again, I've been exhausted from work and it just doesn't feel like I have much going on to talk about.

so yes... let's leave it at that.

33 days until vacation... Disneyland here I come...

less than two weeks until company coming for Memorial day weekend.

housecleaning is high and heavy on the list this week and next...

hung up the magic mesh today, big check mark ...

Saturday, May 2, 2015

it's been a week already?

like seriously longest week ever...

but... watched Avengers so that mostly made up for it.

read a book this week that I'd read growing up... found myself shocked to find that I was so emotionally tied to the character... things in the book are so much more impactful at the age I am now as I consider where my life has ended up.

It was a surprising realization.

something to mull over...