Sunday, June 28, 2015


In light of recent rulings... the surpreme court of the united states ruled that it is unconstitutional for any state to ban same sex marriages.

Okay, fine. good onya! :)

I struggle with this. It's fine. It honestly does not affect me or my beliefs. I worry about things though as left and right it seems people are willing to throw away friends ... on social media... for having their own opinion.

This is why totally - I am Switzerland.  :)

My political, religious... whatever we want to call it... opinions are mine. I do not have to share them and they have no business in my relationships.

We don't have to like each other's opinions. but the fact that we all have the right and choice to have our own opinions does mean that we need to exercise the respect needed to respect that everyone is entitled to have their opinion.

It's our differences that makes it good to be friends. Why would I want to be friends with people that all share the same opinion? a bit of good debate or moments of being 'devil's advocate' are a good thing.

Because, if ... I do not agree with this as it's not a personal choice for me... doesn't mean I can't be happy and accepting of other's right to choose .. to love, to be involved intimately with, to marry whom they choose.


I'm not married or dating... as a completely single person who doesn't have any isolated relationships of any kind of exclusive nature...  maybe dating and marriage of any type offends me? Does that stop people from getting married? No... should how slightly bitter I become about seeing any type of couple anywhere sometimes affect my ability to be around ANYONE who is holding hands and displaying how in love they are?


I'd have a really hard time going anywhere if that was the case.

I'll admit to having a deep soul searching moment or two at Disneyland last week.   I live in Seattle. Gay couples are everywhere ... :) LOL... this doesn't offend me in real life. But I came face to face with a situation where I realized. In all my walking around town at home, I've either never realized or never paid enough attention to anyone I'm seeing to see if they were being openly affectionate with each other in public.  I did see a couple around a few times at Disneyland that was. And I had a moment of thought that this was a 'family' experience and they were being inappropriate with how open and affectionate they were being. 

But then I realized it was no different than the couples that were constantly holding up lines by making out as they waited for a ride. How could this be judged any different? It can't. My moment of uncomfortable awareness eased and passed... it isn't fair to judge.

I've been judged.

People sometimes hear that I went to a Christian college and that I am a Christian and they will assume that I won't like them or that i'll be preachy or forcing my religion down their throat.  I am not that person.

If you want to talk about it or get into a religious discussion with me, I'll answer your questions .But life is too short for me to eliminate really nice and great people from my life simply because they have a choice they've made... lifestyle, orientation, religion or political... and their own opinions.... which always have to be made for yourself. I can't make your decisions for you. It is no worry or consequence (usually) to me for what you choose so why can't I just love your presence in my life and not be concerned about matters that are not my business?

Don't judge me for what you assume i'll be like.

It hurts.

I came across the theory back in high school... I don't have to like what you're doing but I do like you... a sort of 'hate the sin, love the sinner' sort of mentality. I've stuck to that.

Again... I'm Switzerland. If what we disagree on is too personal for us to be friends then I am more than happy to shelve my opinions and respect that you are entitled to yours... and only ask that you respect my choice to remain silent and not prod me into stating views and opinions I'd rather not rock the boat with.

RESPECT... find out what it means to me...

Bottom line.... the sun will always rise in the East and set in the West. Each day is a new day for learning. A hug from your niece is a great way to start or end a day and nieces should always be hugged whenever you have a chance to do so. Friends who become family are special and should always be cherished and are all the more reason that we should respect each other's choices and opinions. they make us unique.

Also... it's never a problem to simply eat ice cream for dinner.


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